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23 May 2022

The first board meeting as chairman of Visita for Fredrik Reinfeldt will be at Daftö Resort

On May 2, former city minister and moderate leader Fredrik Reinfeldt was elected as the new chairman of the hospitality industry's trade and employer organization Visita. On June 13-15, he will hold his first board meeting at Daftö Resort in Strömstad. The study tour is hosted by Daftö's co-owner and CEO, Lena Kempe, who has been on Visita's board since autumn 2020.

Fredrik Reinfeldt takes over the board from another former minister, Maud Olofsson (C), who held the post since 2014.

Reinfeldt himself tells Visita that he looks forward to developing an important part of Sweden's business life, and Visita's election committee chairman Christer Johansson praises Reinfeldt's experience and network of contacts. After tough Corona years, the hospitality industry is now to be restarted.

- Tourism means a lot to Sweden. It gives many people a first step into the labor market, is found all over the country and consists of everything from small family businesses to large groups with thousands of employees. I look forward to contributing to lifting and developing the industry further, says Fredrik Reinfeldt.

The start of this work takes place in Strömstad in mid-June with Lena Kempe at Daftö Resort. In 2018, Lena was named Woman of the Year in the Swedish hospitality industry and two years later she was elected to Visita's board.

- I am very happy to welcome the board here and it will be a little special that Fredrik will hold his first board meeting here in Strömstad now that the tourism industry has picked up again after the pandemic. Hopefully we will be able to teach him something new about our particular branch within this important industry, says Lena Kempe.

One of the questions Lena is pushing hard is why there are different VAT rates within the camping area. For example, it is completely unreasonable that we should have to charge 25 percent VAT for the guests who spend the night in our guest harbor while those who spend the night on land pay 12 percent.

For further information, please contact:

Lena Kempe, CEO Daftö Resort


Visita is an industry and employer organization for the Swedish hospitality industry. Visita brings together almost 5,700 member companies with over 8,100 businesses. Among our members are restaurants, hotels, campsites, amusement parks, hostels, spa facilities, tourist agencies and ski resorts.

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